Our Team

After years of involvement in the pro-life movement, including working at the local pregnancy center, our team felt called to expand its focus to providing a safe haven for expectant mothers who otherwise might face abortion.  Knowing that over 70% of women choose abortion because of a lack of material and emotional support, we believed providing a safe home for them truly gives them a healthy option.

This new ministry is a collective effort of the pregnancy center’s former executive director, board president and nurse manager as well as educators, home builders, electricians, and financial service industry people.

Perhaps more importantly, we are also mothers and fathers with thankful hearts for the gifts of life with which the Lord has blessed us.  We are eager to share those blessings.

New Life Maternity's board is grounded in strong Catholic identity and Catholic teachings drive all our decisions, programs and training. We wish to serve.

New Life Maternity is honored to have Fr Dan McHale and the Sisters of Life serve on our Spiritual Advisory Board. We are grateful to have Dr. Jan Patterson as our board Medical Advisor. Our Emeritus Advisory Board consists of former board members Michelle Waldron, Jackie Elder and Dennis Marino.

Christa Herting-Desrosiers
Noelle Ryan
Board Secretary
Jeff Carlson
Board Member
Mike McGovern
Board Member
Jim Romanchuk
Board Member
Kelly Schermerhorn
Board Member
Barbara Koerner-Fox
Executive Director